Makenzie Fischer

Mechanical engineer passionate about sustainability.

Hi! I’m Makenzie!

I am currently pursuing a BS and MS in mechanical engineering at Stanford. As a voracious learner, I don’t sit still for long and am always looking for the next challenge to tackle. I love identifying problems and finding creative solutions, especially if it involves getting my hands dirty and making things!

When I am not in the machine shop, you can find me in nature. I love hiking and have the urge to explore every last corner of the natural world. While adventuring, I often see the effects of climate change firsthand. As an engineer, I am inspired to create positive change and hope to leverage my mechanical engineering skills to minimize the harm done to our planet.

Fun fact, I am also a 2x Olympic Gold Medalist in water polo.

“PB&Js in Pretty Places”

A series of photos I have taken documenting the lunch spots on some of my favorite hikes. Click on a photo below to see which hike took me there! :)